CarrierGuide Shipment Details

  • Updated

Access Shipment Details on CarrierGuide

Carriers can view and manage their shipments and provide updates from their Carrier Platform login. 

1. Login into the CarrierGuide.

2. Click from the top right side menu.

3. Depending on the shipment you are updating, click the shipment list you would like to view.

  • Loadsmart Loads: Shipments booked with Loadsmart
  • Shipper Loads: Shipments booked with ShipperGuide shippers
  • Port Drayage Import: Dayage import shipments booked with Loadsmart
  • Port Drayage Export: Dayage export shipments booked with Loadsmart


4. To update the shipments booked with your ShipperGuide shippers, select Shipper Loads.


5. Click on the shipment you wish to update. This will take you to the Shipment Page.



6. The Shipment Details page is central to containing all the details of your assigned shipment.

The Shipment Info contains the pickup/delivery dates, BOL number, SO number, PO number.

The Commodities section will contain the shipping items.

The Open Chat section allows you to send messages to the Shipper.



Add Additional Charges

From the Shipment Details page, add additional charges that may have incurred during the execution of a shipment.

1. From the Shipment Details page, click the “Charges” tab > + Submit new charge.


2. A pop-up form will appear, enter all details related to the extra charge.

  • Required: Charge Type - drop down menu of common accessorial charges
  • Required: Amount per unit - dollar amount rate for service
  • Required: Stop - drop down menu to indicate where the charge was incurred
  • Optional: Description - additional details of charges
  • Optional: Upload file - upload receipts or additional supporting docs of charge


3. Click .

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