[NavTrac] Glossary of Product Terminology

  • Updated

This article provides clear explanations of common terms related to NavTrac to help you navigate our product and make informed decisions.


An asset is a tractor, dry van, reefer, chassis, container or flatbed. This can also include yard goats, service vehicles and box trucks. Every observation must have at least one asset, a vehicle. For an asset we collect the following data fields: Images, Date, Time, Direction


A chassis is a trailer being pulled by a vehicle. The chassis can be bare or carrying a load and will have a license plate and identification number associated with it if this can be read from the chassis. 

Gate transaction

A gate transaction or observation is a record that is created when a subject like a vehicle passed by the camera (ie enter/exits through the gate). Observations will be created for any vehicle Class 2B-8. You will not receive observations for personal vehicles. An observation includes the images, timestamp and identifiable alphanumerics on the outside of each piece of the asset.


A load is anything that is being hauled by a vehicle including container, dry van, reefer or any unit being hauled on a chassis. This part of the asset will be labeled as the load and will have a number associated with it if this can be read from the side of the load. A license plate will also be present if the load is a dry van. 


See definition of “Gate transaction”.


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