[NavTrac] What is Indirect Sourcing Rule (ISR) Compliance?

  • Updated

This is article will show you what is Indirect Sourcing Rule (ISR) Compliance.


The new California Indirect Sourcing Rule, formally designated Rule 2305, requires reporting on heavy-duty vehicles and truck trips. Large financial penalties are assessed for non-compliance.


The rule applies to owners and operators of California warehouses with at least 100,000 square feet of warehousing floor space within a single building.


NavTrac’s Warehouse Management and SmartGate System provides a fully compliant and digitalized methodology for capturing and reporting on truck trips for all Class 2b-8 heavy-duty vehicles.


For a more detailed summary of what this rule is, who will be held accountable, and how warehouses will be impacted, click HERE.


What are the ISR Reporting Features?

Weighted Annual Truck Trips (WATTs) Report

NavTrac provides an ISR 2305 compliant truck trip log that automatically captures and calculates all Class 2B-8 trucks that enter and exit your property. 


How to access it?

  1. Access your NavTrac account
  2. Go to the ISR Report tab
  3. Then, click on the download button on the right side as in the image below to  export and download this CSV file to provide to the Air Quality Management Division (AQMD) for reporting purposes. 


In case you have any doubt, reach out to us.

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