[NavTrac] How do I edit an observation?

  • Updated

Did you know that you can add information about an observation or asset?


To do so, select the Information icon from either the Gate Feed tab or Reports tab.


This feature enables you to add data, to open fields, or to change information on the observation by click on ‘Edit’





After add or change the information you need, don’t forget to click ‘Save’.


Use cases include: 

  • Need to manually override the system to ingate/outgate an asset observation, you can make that change.
  • Can’t read the seal number but have a data field if you’d like to add it yourself. This goes for a BCO as well. 
  • If you’d like to add Load, Chassis and Vehicle remarks, you can do so here.
  • Great for if you want to be able to change information on the observation.


Note: You can make changes on anything except Date/time/images of images.


In case you have any doubts, reach out to us.

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