Here are the fixes, improvements and new features added to Opendock:
Unplanned Arrivals
In the perfect (Opendock) world, all appointments would be scheduled ahead of time and driver's would show up to the facility with the documents at hand!
However, reality is that drivers may show up without an appointment, or without the correct information to easily check-in (such as PO number, Reference Number...)
And with that, problems with allocating this unplanned arrival into the warehouse schedule may arise:
- Where should they create the appointment if there are no available slots on the day? (No availability)?
- How can they track down appointments that were allocated last minute (or unplanned) so they can use the data to force carriers to start scheduling appointments correctly?
- What is the best way to manage an appointment that was not planned for?
Though our Gate Management Solution warehouses can be notified on Arrivals Without Appointments, collect all the information needed from drivers to either accommodate them to the schedule by creating an appointment, tying this arrival to an existing appointment or rejecting the arrival and letting the driver know they cannot be received.
Learn more about Gate Management and Unplanned Arrivals Here!
Carrier Insights (powered by Power BI)
We've revamped our Carrier Insights report tab and added some valuable data points and capabilities:
- Warehouses can now determine and play around with what they consider On Time. They can move the numbers by selecting the window time for an on Time Appointment
- Early! We know an early arrival can be as bad operationally as a late arrival. So we are now providing visibility on Early, on Time and Late Arrivals by carrier
- More filter options: Filter data by warehouse, Carrier and DOCKS!
Bug Fixes and System Updates
- Allow operators to manage Carrier Contacts
- Fix: API allows statusTimeline to inconsistent Scheduled date
- Fix: Real time update to check-in data
- Migration of Self Check-in to Custom Forms
- Fix: Carriers unable to see appt details for Warehouses disabled for Carrier Scheduling
- Fix: Action buttons not fixed at the bottom on some modals
- Fix: [Mobile] Status Buttons and Timeline not showing after Appt Search
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