Unplanned Arrivals

  • Updated

Warehouses may have to deal with Drivers arriving at the Facility without a previously scheduled appointment. And with that, problems with allocating this unplanned appointment into the warehouse schedule may arise:

  • Where should they create the appointment if there are no available slots on the day? (No availability)?
  • How can they track down appointments that were allocated last minute (or unplanned) so they can use the data to force carriers to start scheduling appointments correctly?
  • What is the best way to manage an appointment that was not planned for?

Though our Gate Management Solution you can be notified on Arrivals Without Appointments, collect all the information you need from drivers to either accommodate them to the schedule by creating an appointment, tying this arrival to an existing appointment or rejecting the arrival and letting the driver know they cannot be received.

  1. Driver’s will Scan the Check-in QR code or use the tablet to check-in,
  2. They will select “I don’t have an appointment” option
  3. And fill out required information (Phone Number, Carrier Company and any other additional information the warehouse can customize and request)

On the Grid View, warehouse users will be notified on all arrivals (with and without appointments)


Captura de Tela 2024-08-07 às 14.00.00.png

Click on the Arrivals Notification to open Arrivals List:Captura de Tela 2024-08-07 às 14.00.24.png

  • PENDING tab will display arrivals without appointments:

(Arrivals list will display arrivals within the last 24h)

By Clicking on an Arrival you will see all information collected from the driver and you can:

  • Create an Appointment for this arrival
  • Link this appointment to an existed and previously scheduled appointment
  • Reject Truck - Moves the arrival to resolved. We suggest warehouses to use the collected phone number to send the driver an SMS letting them know they cannot be received

Pending: Unplanned Arrivals not tied to an appointment

Planned: Check-in with appointments and Arrivals tied to an existing appointment

Resolved: Rejected Arrivals and Unplanned Arrivals that were worked in the schedule by creating a new appointment to them

Here is a quick video on how to manage Unplanned Arrivals:

Unplanned Arrivals - Ability to unlink an appointment from an Arrival

We all make mistakes, right? If by any chance an arrival is tied to the wrong appointment, Gate Management users can now Remove the Link Appointment/Arrival

Go to Arrival's list, select the arrival and select option "Unlink from Appointment" - That will move the Arrival to it's original status (Unplanned) and the Appointment to it's original status (requested or Scheduled)

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 17.18.30.png

Use appointments marked as unplanned (created for an unplanned arrival) and history on unplanned arrivals to provide visibility and enforce carriers they schedule appointments in advance

Status: Coming Soon… 

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