Bulk Import

  • Updated


CarrierTMS allows you to bulk import different assets!

We prepared a helpful and short video tutorial for you to watch. Take a look:

So, first, you have to download the import template. To do so, go to: Settings > General Settings, and click the 'Bulk Import' tab to select the type of asset you want to bulk import. Then, click the 'Download Template' button:


Now, you can use the template by opening it, deleting the example data, and pasting the information from your previous provider.


  • the template is a csv. file and you must use Excel or Google Sheets to open it up! 
  • The headers should not be changed
  • Each row must be a new entry of the asset you are adding to the document

Once you're done, save it and go back to CarrierTMS to upload the file by clicking 'Upload file':

Once you upload it, you'll see a preview of the asset you are importing. If everything is correct, click the button 'Import Loads' at the top right of the page.

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