Carrier Self Check-In

  • Updated


The first feature under our Gate Management module is the Carrier self check-in that allows each warehouse to:

  1. Have precise information on Arrival times: We timestamp the Driver's arrival using the Arrived Status

  2. Set up Custom Fields for the Driver to fill out upon check-in, collecting important information to be provided by the driver: You can create your own check-in form for rivers, including document upload

  3. Having the Appointment Status automatically updated to Carrier Arrived as soon as the check-in is completed: reduces the manual process and human contact

  4. Have all the information collected on Check-in updated into the appointment on NOVA: As soon as the appointment is checked into, all the collected info from drivers will live inside the appointment and be accessible to anyone managing the appointments



Find your Gate Management Settings under Warehouse Settings > Gate Management. In there, you will be able to access your facility’s QR Code and Check-in Template Sign.


Post Check-in Instructions

Warehouses can customize a message or instructions that will be seen by drivers when the check-in is concluded.

The instructions are an open field, meaning they can be fully customized. We often see our customers using it to direct Drivers to waiting or parking areas, to let them know when and how they will be contacted next, or to prompt them to contact the Warehouse (Phone number). 


Opt-in Geofencing

You can opt to use our Geofencing solution to only allow for Driver to Self Check-in with them being within a 1-mile radius of the Warehouse.

We use the Warehouse Address geolocation coordinates to determine the central point of the radius. With the feature enabled, we will ask drivers to share their location as they scan the QR Code. Only after sharing a location, they are able to check-in.

If we identify they are further than 1 mile away, we do not allow them to self check-in.


Note: We suggest you do not use this feature as you start using Self Check-in. If you don't need to enforce geofencing or haven't had any issues with Drivers trying to Self Check-in arbitrarily (being not yet at the facility), it's best to not have geofencing set up. We understand Geofencing can create a friction point with drivers due to having to share the location. 


Grid Identification and Notification for Appointments Checked-in by Drivers

Warehouses that have Gate management enabled will see Self Check-in Notifications on the top right corner of the Grid.

  • Every new Check-in triggers a notification

  • By Clicking on the Notification box users can see a list of all appointments checked in by the driver

  • By Clicking on the Notification icon (orange) they can mark the notification as read

  • Users can open the Appointment details directly from the List of Appointments checked-in by Drivers - facilitating locating, editing and updating the appointment

  • The notification list shows appointments checked-in by the driver on the present day.

  • On the Appointment detail, under the Arrived Status, we identify appointments checked in by Drivers



Driver's Experience

Drivers will scan a QR code as they get to the facility, and be directed to our check-in feature where they will easily go through the simple steps of:

1. Identifying the Appointment: they will provide the Reference Number of the Appointment or Confirmation Number so we can verify if the appointment is valid*

2. Filling out Customized additional fields the warehouse has created for Check-in (Check-in form)


How to see the the information collected on check-in

Under the appointment details, on the Check-in section, all check-in fields will be populated with the information drivers fill out during check-in


What do I need to know about Carrier Self Check-in


Users can use EITHER a Confirmation Number OR a Reference Number to check-in to appointments.

For each warehouse, we generate a QR Code and a URL that can be used to check-in and is available under Warehouse Settings > Gate Management


Check-in Rules:

Appointment Validation: Check-ins are only permitted for appointments on the Scheduled Status. We check if the appointment exists if it's under the Scheduled Status - meaning that it is available for check-in. Appointments marked as Cancelled, No-show, Arrived, In Progress, Completed, or still under Requested are not considered available for check-in)

Geofencing: This will only be enforced if the feature is enabled. Check-ins are only permitted within 1 mile radius of the facility coordinates

Early/Late Threshold: the default time window for check-in is 24hrs before or after the appointment's start time (stated in minutes: 1440min = 24hrs).

CleanShot 2024-10-28 at 14.55.52@2x.png


How to Request Carrier self check-in

Under Warehouse Settings you can Request the feature and our team will be in touch to have the feature enabled in your warehouses on NOVA. 



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