This article will be covering the features found on the Shipment List.
The quick filter lists at the top of the Shipment List page will allow you to access shipments in their respective statuses, making managing your shipments quick and easily accessible.
We will walk you through the different types of filters available to efficiently manage your shipments in ShipperGuide!
We will also show you how to save your favorite filtered shipment list to access the shipments you need instantly.
This article will cover:
- Quick Filter Views
- Available Filter Options
- Sort by Column Feature
- Saved Filtered Shipment Lists
- Customize "Needs Attention" filter
To navigate to the Shipment List, click Shipments on your left side menu.
Quick Filter Views
The revamped Shipment List features 7 quick filter views to select from to view and quickly take action on your shipments.
New shipments: A new shipment has been created and has not been assigned a carrier.
Planning: Shipments currently in Quoting, Tendering and Tender Rejected statuses
Booked: Shipments currently in Booked status
Ongoing: Shipments currently in En Route to pickup, At pickup, In transit, En route to delivery, and at delivery statuses
Delivered: Shipments currently in Accounting Review status
Pending charges: Shipments with Pending Charges to be reviewed and approved
Needs attention: Customizable filter to flag attention to shipments in statuses of your choosing. See below for how to set up this filter.
Filter Options:
The Shipment Filter side panel will display on the right side of the page:
Pickup: Select to filter from Pickup addresses, zip codes, or facility names
Delivery: Select to filter from Delivery addresses, zip codes, or facility names
Status: Select to filter from shipment status or multiple statuses.
- New
- Quoting
- Expired
- Tendering
- Tender Rejected
- Booked
- En Route to Pickup
- At Pickup
- In Transit
- En Route to Delivery
- At Delivery
- Account Review
- Canceled
Modes: Select to filter by specific mode
- Drayage
Equipment Types: Select to filter by specific equipment type
- Dry Van (DRV)
- Flatbed (FBE)
- Reefer (RFR)
- Dry Box (DRB)
- Tanker (TANK)
Carrier: Drop down selection containing your carrier network
Pickup Date Range: Select to filter from specified pickup date range
Delivery Date Range: Select to filter from specified delivery date range
Creation Date Range: Select to filter from a specified date range during which the shipment was created
Source: Select to filter by the origin of which the shipment was created
- Created by user
- Imported via spreadsheet
- Imported via integration
Scheduling Options: Select to filter by scheduling status of a shipment
- All pending schedule
- All out of schedule time
- Only pending schedule pickup
- Only pending schedule delivery
- Only out of schedule time pickup
- Only out of schedule time delivery
Rating Status: Select to filter by rate type status
- Shipments with spot and contracted rates
- Shipments with contracted rates only
- Shipments with spot rates only
- Shipments without rates
Sort by Column
The “Sort by” drop down menu allows you to sort any columns by the values you wish.
Once you select the column you want to sort by, choose to sort by “Ascending” or “Descending.”
Sort by Options
- BOL number
- Origin
- Origin date
- Destination
- Destination date
- Number of stops
- Mode
- Equipment
- Status
- Carrier
Save Filtered Shipment Lists
Here we will cover how to save a frequently used shipment filtered list to streamline your shipment management:
1. Navigate to Shipments in ShipperGuide.
2. Click on “Filter.” And add the filter parameters.
Please note the saved filtered Shipment List will not save “Sort by” or “Order by” filters, only filters applied within the Filter Register.
3. Click “Save Filter” towards the bottom of the side menu.
4. The “Save Filter” popup will appear for you to name your report.
To view and manage your save filters, click on the fourth drop down menu to the left and select the report you would like to view.
To delete the saved filter click.
Customize the "Needs Attention" Filter
1. Click the Settings button within the "Needs Attention" filter box.
2. The “Manage Expectations” window will popup. Select the shipment notifications your team would like to be flagged regarding.
3. Click .
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