Once you have awarded your contracted lanes using RFPGuide or after you have created a Contract, easily tender shipments to carriers with ShipperGuide using the steps outlined in this article.
This article will cover:
- Tendering Contract Rates from Quote or Shipment page
- Troubleshoot Contract Rates
- Tender Contract Rate from Contract List
Tender contracted rates:
1. a) From Quoting:
If a contract rate exists on ShipperGuide and is still active, the contracted carrier rate will be visible under the rates section of the New Quote workflow process.
1. b.) From Shipments:
If a contract rate exists on ShipperGuide and is still active, once you have created a shipment or for any existing shipments, click Get Quote or Quote Details which will take you to the quote page for the shipment where you can view the contract rates available.
Please note only shipments in or
status will have the option to tender contract rates.
Shipment in New Status:
Shipment in Quoting Status:
2. From the quote page, select the carrier contract rate.
3. Click
4. A pop-up will appear to verify confirmation to tender the shipment to the selected carrier. Click to send the shipment tender to the carrier or click
to select a different carrier.
The status of the shipment will change to .
- If the carrier accepts the tender, the status of the shipment will change to
- If the carrier rejects the tender, the status of the shipment will change to
Troubleshoot Contract Rates
If you are having trouble rating a quote with a Contract Rate, below are factors that could be conflicting with the terms of the contracted quote and the quote or shipment you have created:
- Carrier has accepted the awarded RFP lane: (This applies only for lanes awarded using RFP) The carrier must accept the awarded RFP lane prior to being tendered the contracted rate.
This can be confirmed under the Results section of the RFP lane:
- Pickup and Delivery Date: The quote/shipment pickup and delivery dates must fall within the RFP or contract period.
- Origin and destination city, state, and zip code match: The origin and destination on the RFP lane or contract lane must match on the quote/shipment.
- RFP/Contract Details Must Match: The details created on the RFP/Contract must match those on the quote/shipment:
- Mode
- Equipment type
- Max/Min weights (if applicable)
Tender Contract Rate from Contract List
1. On your left dashboard, click Contracts.
2. Click on the contract containing the lane to tender.
3. Click > Tender Lane.
4. You will be directed to the New Quote screen. Update the Pickup Date.
Important Note: Make sure the pickup date is within the Contract Period dates.
5. Click
6. Click
7. The Contract Rate will be visible under the Rates tab of the Quote screen.
8. Click
9. A pop-up will appear to verify confirmation to tender the shipment to the selected carrier. Click to send the shipment tender to the carrier or click
to select a different carrier.
The status of the shipment will change to .
- If the carrier accepts the tender, the status of the shipment will change to
- If the carrier rejects the tender, the status of the shipment will change to
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