How can I enable QuickPay?

  • Updated

Carriers can enable QuickPay in 3 levels.

  1. Payment Terms.
  2. All approved invoices.
  3. Individual invoice level.

1. Enable QuickPAY at Payment terms level

This means all future carriers invoices will be paid within 24h of once they are approved.

You can enable QuickPAY at Payment terms level by:

  1. On the QuickPay card on the top middle on the Payments page, click on Enable QuickPAY.
  2. Confirm by clicking on Enable QuickPAY.mceclip9__3_.png

2. Enable QuickPAY for all approved invoices
This means carrier will receive all the approved invoices amount within 24h.

To Enable QuickPay on all your approved invoice, click on Receive fast with QuickPAY on the Payments Card.



2. Individual invoice level

You can enable QuickPAY at Individual invoice level in two different ways:

1. Enable QuickPAY at Individual invoice level from the invoice table.

2. Enable QuickPAY at Individual invoice level from the invoice details.


2.1. Enable QuickPAY at Individual invoice level from the Invoice table:

  1. Choose an invoice.
  2. Click on Receive fast with QuickPAY.

3. Confirm by clicking on Enable QuickPAY.



2.1. Enable QuickPAY at Individual invoice level from the invoice details:

  1. Choose an invoice.
  2. Click on Details.


     3. Click on Enable QuickPAY.


     4. Confirm by clicking on Enable QuickPAY.



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