Carrier Signup

  • Updated

Loadsmart’s new carrier platform combines the services provided by and ShipperGuide. You can now instantly book loads on Loadsmart’s load board directly from Loadsmart’s website or mobile app. Also, bid on RFPs/quotes, respond to tenders, and manage shipments from ShipperGuide shippers all in one place!

Please note that ShipperGuide RFPs/quotes/shipments will be available on your carrier account if the email address matches Loadsmart and ShipperGuide.

To sign up:

1. Go to sign-up page.

2. You will be directed to the carrier sign-up page. Select Carrier or Broker and fill out the form:

3. Click

4. You will receive a welcome email to verify your email address. Click VERIFY EMAIL ADDRESS on the email.

Pending admin approval for existing carrier account:

If the MC/DOT number is already registered under a carrier account on Loadsmart, your account will be pending approval from your company’s account admin. For security purposes, you will not be able to access your account until an admin approves it.


An email will automatically be sent to the admin user to validate your account. Once an admin approves, you will receive a confirmation email to access your account.

Admin users can view/approve/reject pending user approvals on their Loadsmart account by going to MANAGE > FLEET > PENDING USERS

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