The facilities management page allows you to add/update/delete facility locations and scheduling information, including hours and days of operations, contact information, and facility default notes. Saved facilities will be available to select from when creating quotes, shipments and RFP lanes to help streamline your freight execution operations.
This article will cover:
Facilities can be created and added at many points within ShipperGuide. Add a facility by creating them from the Facilities management page or by accessing a “Add a new Facility” shortcut found when creating a new quote, a new shipment or updating an address before Loadsmart booking checkout.
Here we cover how to add a facility from the Facilities Management Page.
Add a new facility:
1. On your left dashboard, click Facilities.
2. On the Facilities page, click
3. A panel will appear on the right side of the page.
Enter the facility Location details:
- Required: Facility Name
- Required: Address - Users will have the option to select from suggested addresses to auto-complete the facility's address or manually enter the address using the “Address not found, add manually” drop down option.
- Required: City
- Required: Zip Code
Required: Country
- US and Canadian addresses are supported.
- Required: State
Enter the facility Contacts detail:
- Required: Contact Name
- Required: Phone Number
- Optional: Email
Enter the facility’s Operating Hours:
- Optional: Days - Default days preselected: Monday - Friday
- Optional: Hours of Operation - The hours of operation will default as 9:00 to 16:00 if a time range is not specified.
- Optional: Schedule Policy - Select from: APPT / FCFS
Enter the facility’s Instructions:
- Optional: Facility Default Instructions - Notes that will be defaulted every time the facility is used when creating Shipments. These notes are shared with the carrier when accessing the shipment updates page after receiving an awarded tender.
Enter the facility’s default Accessorials:
Optional: FTL - Accessorials for full truck load pick/delivery
- Pickup: Select from a drop down menu of required accessorials when picking up from this facility.
- Delivery: Select from a drop down menu of required accessorials when delivery to this facility.
Optional: LTL/PTL - Accessorials for less than truckload or partial pick/delivery
- Pickup: Select from a drop down menu of required accessorials when picking up from this facility.
- Delivery: Select from a drop down menu of required accessorials when delivery to this facility.
4. Click .
Manage Facility Contacts from Facility List
1. Search for the facility and click Contacts.
3. A panel will appear on the right side of the page. Listing all existing contacts for the facility.
Use the “Edit Contacts” at the bottom of the page to manage the contact list.
4. Click to save any changes.
To edit, delete or archive a facility
Click for the options to edit or delete the location from your facilities list.
What are the differences between DELETE and ARCHIVE?
- Will permanently remove that facility from the database
- Can't be used if the facility is attached to a shipment to avoid data and reporting problems
- Can't be reactivated.
- Will soft delete the facility, removing it from all searches in ShipperGuide
- Can be reactivated if needed
- Won't create issues as the facility still exists behind the scenes making your database consistent.
Pinning Facilities
Shipper users can now pin their most frequently used facilities to the top of the facilities dropdown list when creating New Shipments streamlining the shipment creation process.
Pinned facilities are unique to an individual user’s login and each pinned facility will be listed in the order in which they were pinned, with the first pinned facility always at the top.
There are no limits to the number of pinned facilities and each user can customize their pinned facilities independently, even within the same shipper account.
How to Pin a Facility
1. Navigate to the Shipments List.
2. Click on New Shipment.
3. Under the Lane section, using the Pickup or Delivery drop down menu, click on the for the facility you wish to pin.
Please note: The Pickup and Delivery list are separate pinned lists, meaning the facilities pinned as a pickup facility will not show up as a pinned facility under the drop down menu for delivery facilities.
To unpin the facility, click on the pin icon removing the facility from your pinned facility list.
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