How do I submit a bid for a spot quote?

  • Updated

After a shipper sends bid invitations, selected carriers will receive an email to participate in bidding on the quote. This article will provide instructions on viewing and submitting a bid for a quote.

To view the bid:

Please note that a login is not required to bid on spot quotes from ShipperGuide shippers.

Email - Carriers will receive a bid invitation email containing a unique link directing them to the bid page. Click View bid details to view the quote details.



Loadsmart carrier account - The quote will be linked to the carrier’s Loadsmart account.

1. On your Loadsmart account, go to BOOK.

2. Active quotes will be listed under the Invitation to bid section. Click Bid lane to view the quote details.

Please note that the following quote statuses will not be available:

  • Expired
  • Booked with another carrier
  • Deleted
  • Bid was already submitted 

Submit a bid:

1. Enter the proposed flat rate or the rate per mile for the lane. The system will automatically calculate the flat rate or rate per mile if either value is entered.

Flat Rate = rate per mile * miles

Rate per Mile = flat rate / miles

2. Optional: If the shipper has requested additional charges, please input your rates and any relevant notes.

3. Optional: If you would like to send any communication about the rate to the shipper, include your comments in the text box under Notes to the Shipper.


4. Once you are ready to submit your bid, click SUBMIT.

5.  A pop-up will appear to verify confirmation to submit the rate. Click CONFIRM to submit your rate for the quote, or click CANCEL to update/withdraw your bid.

The shipper will tender a shipment via email to the awarded carrier. Please see the following article on how to accept or reject a tender.

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