This article will cover how to email an invoice to a customer/broker from Carrier TMS. Additionally, it will include information about invoice document statuses.
To email an invoice to a customer/broker:
1. On your left dashboard, go to Accounting > Invoices > Invoice ready.
2. Search for the invoice.
3. After confirming that the invoice is ready to be sent to the customer/broker, click the three dots next to the invoice and select Send via email.
4. If there’s a billing email address saved on the customer’s profile, the email address will default on the Send Invoice pop-up window. You can also enter the customer’s billing email address. Also, you can update the subject of the invoice email. Click Send to email the invoice PDF and related load documents to the customer.
Important: An invoice can be sent to multiple emails using a comma between each email address on the customer’s billing email address field.
You can also send the invoice via email by clicking Send to Broker on the preview of the invoice PDF.
Invoice document statuses:
On the Invoice ready tab, an error status will display under the Documents column if the following load details and documents are missing:
- Load rate
- Rate confirmation load document
- BOL load document
Important: It is ideal to have the load rate and required documents for invoicing a load, you can still send an invoice to a customer through Carrier TMS without them. The load rate and documents aren't mandatory in Carrier TMS, and the error status you see is merely a warning.
To add the documents and load rate:
Rate confirmation and BOL
- Go to Operations > Loads > select the load
- On the load's page, go to Upload documents > click +Add additional document
- Select Rate Confirmation or BOL to upload the documents to the load
Important: Carrier TMS will only acknowledge the BOL document type. Therefore, if you select any other types, like Original BOL POD/Signed BOL or Blind BOL, it will display an error indicating that the BOL is still missing for invoice documents.
Load rate
- On the load's page, click Edit
- On the dispatch page, go to Accounting Information > Load Rate. Enter the load's rate.
- Click Save Load
- On the load's page, click Edit
The invoice Documents status will change to once the load rate and supporting documents have been added.
Is there a way to change the "Remit Payment to" At the bottom of the invoice to our company rather than to the factoring Co BasicBlock? When we do a load for a company that is paying us directly as the do not work with BasicBlock, I still want to be able to auto generate an invoice. But the remit payment needs to show our company to send payment to.
Hello Doug Brenton. I see our engineering team is working on this and can confirm we'll get in touch via email soon with an update!
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