Facilities Management

  • Updated

Once a facility is saved in Carrier TMS, users can select from a list of stored locations that will auto-fill the segment’s facility name, address, and phone number fields for the origin or destination of new loads. Facility profiles are stored in Carrier TMS after a load has been created or by bulk import article.


Here is a helpful and short video tutorial to guide you through the process:


Thus, to access the facilities list:

On your left dashboard, go to Customers > Facilities


You will be directed to the list of facilities stored in your Carrier TMS account. The facility list is sorted in ascending numerical and alphabetical order.


To access a facility profile:

Click on the facility name or the pencil icon next to the address.


The facility profile will display the following information:

  • Facility Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number

Below the facility info section is an aerial map view of the location. You can add a virtual parameter of the location to define the geographic boundaries of the facility on the map. Once the coordinates are specified, the parameter will help enable precise geofencing, and the system can identify when the truck's ELD enters or exits the facility surroundings.

  • To add a parameter, click on the polygon tool icon and outline the coordinates of the facility location.
  • To remove a parameter, select the outline of the coordinates and click on the trash icon.


Below the map view is a list of loads previously picked up or delivered to the facility.



If changes are made to the facility profile, click Save located on the top right corner of the page to ensure that the profile is updated.

If the profile needs to be removed from the system, click Delete located on the top right corner of the page.

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