After the shipper has evaluated the bids and issued the awards, carriers will receive email notifications regarding the outcome of their bid for specific lanes. This article provides instructions on accepting or rejecting awarded RFP lanes for primary and backup carriers. This does not include spot quote RFPs and ranked awards.
View awarded lanes:
Please note that a login is not required to view awards from ShipperGuide shippers.
Email - Carriers will receive a unique link where they can access the award directly from the award email.
Loadsmart carrier account - The RFP awards will be linked to the carrier’s Loadsmart account. To login to the account:
1. On your Loadsmart account, go to CONTRACTS > SHIPPERS RFPS
2. You will be directed to the RFP page. The finalized RFP will listed under On the RFP. Click to view the award confirmation.
Accept or reject awards:
1. On the award confirmation, click Accept or Reject for each or all the lanes.
2. Click SUBMIT or click the checkbox next to Auto-submit response which will automatically submit your response once the award deadline ends.
Your award response will be sent directly to the shipper. Please contact the shipper directly if you have questions regarding the award/bid.
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