How do I accept or reject a tender?

  • Updated

After a shipper has tendered a shipment, a carrier will be notified via email. The email will contain a link directing them to the tender confirmation page. Carriers can also accept or reject tenders from their Loadsmart account.

Accept or reject tender:

Email - The tendered carrier will receive a tender email containing a unique link directing them to the tender page. 

1A. Click Accept or Reject Tender to direct to the tender confirmation page.



2A. On the tender confirmation page, click Reject or Accept.


Loadsmart carrier account - The tender will be linked to the carrier’s Loadsmart account.

1B. 1. On your Loadsmart account, go to BOOK.

2B. Active tenders will be listed under the Pending Responses section. Click Reject or Accept to respond to the tender.

Please note that the following tender statuses will not be available:

  • Expired
  • Canceled 
  • Deleted

3. A pop-up window will appear to confirm if you accept or reject the tender. 

Your response will be sent to the shipper. If you have accepted the tender, you will be directed to the shipment page, where you can provide tracking, download BOL/Ratecon, and upload your POD. You will also receive an email the same day as the pickup containing a link to the shipment’s details page. Also, the booked shipment will be available on your Loadsmart account under MY LOADS > SHIPPER LOADS.

Please contact the shipper directly with any questions regarding the tender/shipment.

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