1. Ability to hide custom appointment fields from the carrier scheduling view
- If your facility has carrier scheduling enabled, you can now hide certain fields from the carrier view.
- Example: Uploading a picture of a damaged shipment. This isn't something that the carrier should upload during scheduling. It should be uploaded by a warehouse user once the truck arrives.
2. Updated login page to redirect carrier users
- We are seeing many carriers registering through the warehouse portal when they should be going to the carrier portal instead.
- We've updated the warehouse login page to help guide and redirect carriers back to their dedicated portal: https://carrier.opendock.com/.
3. Ability to edit Reserves
- You now have the ability to edit a reserve's title and duration! Just click on the reserve to open the edit modal.
4. Ability to reassign an appointment's Load Type
- You can now change an appointment's load type by going to the appointment edit modal.
- Please keep in mind that changing the assigned load type will NOT change the duration of the appointment.
- To adjust the duration of the appointment, click on the bottom of the appointment tile from the day view and drag to increase/decrease the allotted time.
5. Enhanced user role restrictions on the UI
- We have added more user role restrictions to the UI to better communicate what your user roles can and can't do.
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