What is a "Favorite" Carrier Contact
Because our list of carrier contacts is very large and global for all Opendock Warehouse Orgs, favoriting your most commonly used carrier contacts allows you to decide which contact to display first when scheduling an appointment.
- Your favorites list can be scoped to your Org Account so other warehouse users in your org are also able to add and remove contacts from your favorites list.
- You can Favorite Contacts to ALL warehouses or selected warehouses - this is helpful if on your org, each facility has a different setlist of carrier contacts they use frequently
Favorited Contacts will be listed above all other carrier contacts when creating appointments - miking it easier to find the contacts you use frequently
How to Favorite a Carrier Contact
- You can now favorite a carrier directly on the Appointment Details modal by clicking on the Star Icon beside the contact
* Favoriting a Contact from the appointment modal will add it as favorite to all warehouses
- Or you can favorite from the My Carrier Contacts page:
- Click the Carrier Contacts page on the left menu
- Use Add carrier contacts to your Org’s list to add a new contact
- Use Find in this table to search through your Org’s list: Favorited Contacts, Contacts you added subscribers, Contacts you recently used - Upon finding the Carrier Contact you want to favorite, Click on the STAR to select to which warehouse(s) this contact should be favorited
* Use the checkbox if you want this contact to be Favorited across all Warehouses (including newly added warehouses)
What happens to Orgs Contacts created and favorited before Favoriting on the Warehouse was allowed?
All Favorite Contacts will be displayed on the Org's Contact List - you now can use the STAR ICON to assign them to specific warehouses
Can Warehouse Restricted Users Manage Favorite Contacts?
Warehouse restricted Users can see the list and Add/Remove Favorites to the Warehouses they have access to. They cannot remove or add favorites to Warehouses they do not have access to
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