Using the Reference Number

  • Updated

What is a Reference Number

The reference number is the reference you can request for carriers when they're scheduling an appointment. This can be renamed to "PO number," "BOL number," etc.  

If it isn't changed, that is what users see when scheduling the appointment through the Admin site: 



That is what carriers see: 

CleanShot 2024-06-25 at 14.37.34@2x.png


You can manage the Reference Number settings under the My Organization tab or for each individual warehouse. The difference is that customizing under My Organization will reflect on all warehouses; and in the contrary, customizing on the warehouse will reflect on this specific warehouse only. 


Include Reference Number field on all appointment forms

Enables the reference number field to appear on appointments.


Reference Number Field Name

Changing the display name will change both the Admin site and the Carrier View.


Reference Number Helper Text

Provides an example of what the reference numbers should look like.



Make Reference Number a required field

Enforces the warehouse users and carriers to include a reference number to make an appointment.


Require Unique Reference Number 

Enforces each warehouse to have a unique reference number to make an appointment. This will only be enforced on Scheduled, Arrived, and Completed appointments. Reference Numbers assigned to cancelled or no-show appointments may be reused on new appointments

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