What Are The Different Users Roles
When adding a new user, you need to select which level of user role permissions to grant.
1. Owner: (All Permissions)
- There must be a minimum of one Owner in an Org
- Has full control over the account
- Can create, edit, and delete any object in the organization except carrier contacts and carrier companies
2. Admin: (Create/Delete Warehouses, Docks, Load Types, Users)
- Can do everything an Operator can do plus:
- Create, edit, and delete Warehouses, Docks, Load Types, and appointment Fields
- Create, edit & delete users who are equal to or lower than their role (Admin, Operator, Attendant, or Spectator)
- Can do everything an Operator can do plus:
3. Operator: (Create Appointments & Users)
- Can do everything an Attendant can do plus:
- Create and delete appointments and reserved time slots
- Create new carrier contacts and carrier companies (but cannot edit)
- Can do everything an Attendant can do plus:
4. Attendant: (Edit Appointments)
- Can do everything a Spectator can do plus:
- Edit appointments (but not create)
- Can do everything a Spectator can do plus:
5. Spectator: (View Only)
- Can view (but not edit) any object in the system which includes:
- Organization
- Warehouses
- Docks
- Load Types
- Appointments
- Users
- Can view (but not edit) any object in the system which includes:
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