What are the Default Appointment Fields
There are default appointment fields when scheduling through the warehouse admin site. None of these fields are required to create or edit an appointment.
1. Reference number
The Reference Number field can be used to track shipment IDs like PO number, BOL number, Load ID, etc. To change the Reference Number's field display name:
- Click the Settings page on the left menu
- Click the Reference Number Display Name text field
- Change it to the name you would like to show
- Note: this setting is global to your Org. All locations will see the same Reference Number display name across the Org.
- Click the Save Settings button
2. Confirmation Number
The Confirmation Number is another unique identifier of an appointment. This is a hard-coded, system generated identifier that cannot be renamed, moved, or deleted.
It is auto-generated upon appointment creation
- It is numeric
- It is globally sequential
- It is 6 characters long today
- However, we estimate it will reach 10 digits in the next few years (one billion appointments)
Note: the Confirmation Number will NOT replace the original Appointment ID. Rather it can be used as a human-friendly, numeric identifier (e.g. when speaking over the phone). Please continue using the original Appointment Id when building API integrations.
3. Appointment Notes
Appointment Notes are used to communicate additional appointment information that the other fields do not capture. The Appointment Notes field is editable by both the warehouse and carrier users while creating or editing an appointment. These notes are also added to the email notifications and appointment PDF printout.
- Example: This shipment was unloaded on 3/31/22. One pallet was returned for damages.
4. Appointment Tags
Appointment tags are available for warehouse use only. Carriers are not able to add or edit tags on an appointment but they can view tags.
Tags are used to track any properties or attributes about the appointment which allows you to categorize and filter your appointment list under the List View on the Appointment Grid.
- Example: Damaged Shipment, Work-in Appointment, Part Allocated, Not At Temp, etc.
In the List View, it's also possible to define which other data is shown in the columns containing the appointment's information (e.g. start date and time, carrier company, status).
Tags will also be displayed on the appointment tile on the warehouse's appointment grid.
In conjunction with the Appointment Audit Log, you can use tags to document what time certain events took place.
- Example: What time the team started unloading the truck.
5. Email CCs
The Email CC field allows warehouse and carrier users to include additional appointment email notification recipients. Email addresses added to this field will receive all appointment email notifications when the appointment is created, updated, or canceled. These email addresses do not have to be current users of the system.
Learn more about who receives Appointment email notifications here.
To edit the list of appointment notification recipients, click on the "Share" icon on the Appointment Details modal.
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