What is a Parallel Dock
The parallel dock allows the warehouse to accommodate more appointments within the same dock. Only one appointment can be scheduled per time interval per dock unless a 'Parallel Capacity' dock is set up.
When the dock doesn't have the parallel capacity activated, it will look like this:
- Parallel Capacity is 1
- No dropdown icon is displayed next to the dock's name
When the dock has one or more parallel capacities activated, it will look like this:
- Parallel Capacity is more than 1
- The dropdown icon is displayed next to the dock's name
In this second example, two parallel docks were added to the main dock. With this, the Inbound Calendar A has 3 docks in total.
If they all have the same operating hours, every slot will be able to accommodate up to 3 appointments at the same time.
When Parallel Dock is used
A parallel Dock is used when the warehouse needs to offer more than one appointment per time slot. This is similar to the Multiple Appointments per Time Slot on the Legacy version.
See the example case below:
Warehouse A needs to offer 4 appointments per time slot from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. These are the steps they need to take:
- Warehouse tab > select the warehouse > docks tab
- Select the dock you want to add more capacity
- This dock needs to have the schedule set up from 8am to 5pm
- Click ADD
- The docks will be created with the same schedule
See the section How to Create Parallel Capacity Dock Schedules here.
How to Add a Parallel Dock
See the section How to Create Parallel Capacity Dock Schedules here.
How to Edit a Parallel Dock
As of now, users can only edit the schedule of a parallel dock:
- Click on the pencil icon
2. The user will be able to:
a. Open 24/7: the entire dock will be open; 24/7 operation
b. Close 24/7: none of the slots will be available
c. Clone from warehouse: the schedule will meet the warehouse's operating hours
d. Clone from another dock: the schedule will clone another docks's operating hours
See the section How to Edit the Parallel Dock Schedule here.
How to Delete a Parallel Dock
Parallel Capacity can be deleted if it has no appointments; otherwise, the user will need to unlink the dock.
- If you have appointments scheduled on the Parallel Dock
- Go to the Warehouses page
- Select the Warehouse by clicking the edit icon on the right
- On the top, select 'Docks'
- From the 'Docks' tab, you can view the 'Parallel Capacity' for each dock
- If a Dock has the additional capacity, the down arrow will appear
- Click the down arrow to view appointments assigned to each dock
- Click on 'Unlink'
- Name the new dock
- When the new dock is created, you can either:
a. Reschedule each appointment separately
b. Dragged and dropped the appointments at the appropriate dock
c. Delete the appointments if your Warehouse does not need it
- If you don't have appointments scheduled on the Parallel Dock
- Go to the Warehouses page
- Select the Warehouse by clicking the edit icon on the right
- On the top, select 'Docks'
- From the 'Docks' tab, you can view the 'Parallel Capacity' for each dock
- If a Dock has the additional capacity, the down arrow will appear
- Click the down arrow to view appointments assigned to each dock
- Click on 'Delete'
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