What is a Load Type?

  • Updated

What is a Load Type?

​​The Load Type is what dictates the duration of an appointment.

Before creating a Load Type, it is important to think about how long your appointments usually take and the best way to categorize them into groups.
Here are a few common examples we see our clients use to determine the duration of the appointment:

  • Equipment Type: Van, Dry, Reefer, Bulk, Flatbed, Tanker, LTL
  • Inbound/Outbound
  • Origin/Destination
  • Vendor
  • Pallet Count
  • Carton Count
  • Weight 

For example, LTL appointments tend only to take 15 minutes, but FTL might take 60 minutes.

We highly recommend starting with only a couple of Load Types initially and adding to the list at a later date. 

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